Monday, January 26, 2009

Join the Homosexual Intifada!

Yesterday was quite pleasant. Jon and I decided to go out for brunch. We first picked the Old Mohawk after seeing the breakfast menu on the interweb. To our dismay, we got there and were told they no longer serve breakfast,which was totally annoying, so we went to the German Village Coffee Haus. It was PACKED and greasy, so we left and went to Lindey's. It was lovely. Great coffee, yummy food and we got to sit next to local TV celebrity, Andrea Cambern. The restaurant manager had her brunch comped, because she's just that famous.. and our neighbor. While we were dining big puffy snowflakes were falling out the window and by the end of brunch we were walking through about three inches of snow. It was a great morning. (Here is the only photo I could get, Nick.)

In the afternoon we went to the Drexel to see Sean Penn in the motion picture Milk. Wow, it really left a lasting impression on me. It also left me feeling really depressed. So, after we went to Betty's to drown our sorrows with cocktails and nachos. Seriously though, go see Milk. It was the first time I ever saw such a powerful gay movie. A movie that so intensely depicted the gay rights movement. It made me wish I was doing more, fighting harder. It's crazy how little has changed from 30 years ago, granted a lot HAS changed, but here we are still denying humans equal rights. It is infuriating that religious groups were donating millions of dollars to support prop 8. and that it passed! It makes me want to scream in the faces of my religious zealot family and friends. I don't feel like gay people are doing enough, myself included. We are all too comfortable to make a scene. Gay people aren't wrong. Jesus is wrong! Join the Homosexual Intifada! I'm moving to San Francisco! I'll be the only one there, standing alone with my sign and tight jeans, but we need a revolution! We need it now!


Patrick said...

I AM the homosexual intifada. Bing bong Zhing dong!

Nick Kusner said...

I thought Perry was Iranian not Chinese. Well, I guess they are basically the same.

The top 1/90th of Andrea Cambern's head looks really impressive.

Everyone seems to be rallying together as a result of this movie, Milk. I give it 2 months and they'll all be back to sucking dick and shopping at Crate and Barrell.

Patrick said...


Turista Libre said...

Does the fingerless barmaid still work at das Kaffee Haus? Is the cheese still just as orange? Remember that time we barged our way into Andrea Cambern's house on the German Village Homes und Gartens tour even though it wasn't technically part of the tour because that publicist had had a few cocktails? Wasn't she in her bathrobe or something?