Monday, January 5, 2009

They only want you when you're seventeen..

So here I am ten years later, about twenty pounds heavier (thank god), and in college. I can see how I didn't really like it the first time around. It's a lot like high school or junior high even, without the uncontrollable erections and acne, WHICH I still have, the acne that is. Yeah, it's very much like high school. I walked into my English class and there was everybody, "the hippy guy", "the rock guy", "the goth kid", "the cheerleader", "the nerd", "the black person".. and they are all seventeen! It made me feel old, especially since Jon and I went tanning the day before and I got a little burnt, so I felt like George Hamilton, a gay George Hamilton with a messenger bag. The worst. My teacher seems nice. She looked like a weathered farm hand with a bad dye job in a stripey sweater and Uggs. But that's just the outside. On the inside I'm sure she's amazing. If that's one thing New York taught me it was don't judge someone by how they look, just where they live.. or something. I guess people there judge people by how they look all the time. That got me thinking how awful it would be to go to school at FIT. Ew, all that out-cooling everyone and all that fashiony fashion!?. How could you concentrate? I'm sure concentrating is not hip anyway. Well, Columbus State is sooo unhip so concentration should be a breeze!

After English was my freshman psychology class, which begins at four. At 4:10 the professor had yet to arrive and about six guys got up and yelled, "ten minute rule!!", and ran out (which was so junior high). By 4:28 all but four remained, including myself, we all sort of looked around at each other and walked out. It wasn't really the most productive of days. All in all, I don't feel much wiser. I do feel older. And my car has an ugly parking sticker on it.


Patrick said...

Hey there, you old bag. Once you're done with general requirements, more people will be your own age. And just how, I'd like to know, do you think I should judge someone who still wears cargo jeans?

jacobwissman said...

Cargo jeans? Gross. Never talk to them again. That's what I'd do.

Nick Kusner said...

Stop tanning or you really will look like George Hamilton.

They have cheerleaders at Columbus State? I don't remember cheerleaders but I remember the douche bags who ran out of class after 5 minutes yelling "ten minute rule." Oh college, that crazy place.

jacobwissman said...

The cheerleader girl had a Ohio State sticker on her face and a ponytail. During the "icebreaker" she revealed her love for cheerleading, which she did in high school less than a year ago, and kitties.