Friday, January 16, 2009

Ten Below

After our mini blizzard of six plus inches of snow, the cold set in. The temperature dropped from the twenties to negative numbers and as I've learned in college math class; 0>-10. This morning it was a balmy negative ten and with the wind chill it felt like thirty below. I let the dogs out, they made it about half a minute before limping and hobbling back in. Eva didn't pee. She was overwhelmingly confused by the chill. Once inside, she proceeded to relieve her bladder on the new sofa. Thank you Eva, good dog.

After driving, hunched over with frozen nose hair, I got to work and the doors were frozen shut. They had to throw hot water on them to let clients in. The water immediately froze again.

I must say, I'm thankful I'm not in New York. Walking in this cold? No thanks!


aa said...

where are you working? i miss your sassy face?

Nick Kusner said...

I love that girls don't realize that telling a man he has a sassy face is a huge insult. It's like if a man tells a woman her breasts are floppy. In my opinion you just shouldn't say it.

It isn't in the negatives in New York. I don't think it has been below 10 yet. I am loving the cold and snow though! It makes things quiet and desolate.

aa said...

i love that nick doesn't realize an inside joke when he sees one.

Patrick said...

Girls, girls! Calm down.

Jacob, I miss your floppy breasts. When are you going to show me your expose brick?

jacobwissman said...

Here's the deal. Once in California, Alise told me I had a sassy face and I got really angry at her. I think that's how it went? I don't remember. But yes, the point is it's an insult and a joke. I work at Michael Garcia's a Salon and Spa. It's very classy. And you should come see our exposed bricks. Floppy breasts. Barack Obama.