Thursday, November 6, 2008

blog post number twenty one.


I just wanted to take a minute to say how truly happy I am Barack Obama is the new president of the United States of America. I also feel not only can I saw this, but I should rub it in people's faces the way they did in '04. Remember those awful bumper stickers? "VIVA BUSH!" and "W our president". How fucking rude. I am going to make a Barack sticker and stick it on my back. It will say something catchy like, "Obama, that's right, asshole!" or "Obama, not who you voted for. HA. HA.". And they can all bitch and take political asylum in Texas, or wherever, because Canada won't have them. It sure is a great feeling to finally vote for a president who won the election. Maybe there is still hope for us after all.


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