Monday, August 4, 2008

I killed the teen dream, deal with it.

Today MTV was at my salon filming their show "Made". For those of you who don't know, Made is a show where they take some total loser and make them into whatever they want, be it a cheerleader or a rock star. Well, today's episode they were transforming this "academic" (to put it nicely) girl (with a large mannish head) into a "beauty queen". I'm pretty sure after she was all gussied up they popped her into a prom dress and she probably won the Miss American Pageant all through the magic of television. Which brings me to the TV, which was on when I got home. What were the options of the evening? Teen Choice Awards and some reality show where the contestants win a spot in High School Musical. Sigh. What is going on? What is happening to teenagers? I know I'm not that old, really, but I feel like the new fad is to be totally into yourself. To be a bronzed whore. Everywhere. All the girls, and guys, look like plastic teen porn. It creeps me out a little. The "academic" (newly transformed) man-faced-mini-whore was so happy with herself, after they'd finished with her, so full of confidence. She was finally teen porn. Dreams come true. I think she then was trying to hit on me. She kept staring at me, giving me her newly painted-on bedroom eyes.

I don't know what the point of this is. I just feel like in the 90s we weren't so self absorbed. Grunge was cool. Not bronzer.

I'm just saying.


Nick Kusner said...

I love the 2010 girl... she looks so sexy with that horse.

Patrick said...

This stupid girl from Antioch is working as a PA on the current made. If you see a girl with awful pimples and a gigantic nose... kill her with a hair cutting implement. But before driving the shears through her eye, ask her if she's made any videos about herself lately.