Monday, September 22, 2008

blog post number fifteen.

Today I woke up really missing San Diego. Well, waking up implies that I slept, which I didn't really.

I left the bed this morning really missing San Diego. I suppose it's like most things that you don't have anymore. Everyone was sad when Richard Nixon died and I'm sure someone really missed Adolph Hitler when he wasn't around. It's funny how you always want what you don't have. I guess I mean me, I want what I don't have. Which isn't entirely true. I have a lot of what I want. I consider myself a mildly lucky individual, fortunate in most ways. I have a wonderful boyfriend who I love, sort of well-behaved pets, a job (it doesn't make me money, but I have it), wonderful parents, great friends, a bangin' body and a few dollars in my bank account (like five). So, I'm lucky-ish. I mean I could be fat or short.

So, I started to miss San Diego. It's not the worst place in the world to live. It's sunny, there's a beach, little bungalow houses and TONS of white people! I miss my job there, not what I did there as much as the place. I had the best co-workers/boss ever. It was super neat. The city was so laid back, so laid back everyone was practically asleep. So, I left for New York because it was what San Diego was not. Now I live in New York and want to live on a farm.

What is a mildly lucky individual like me suppose to do?

I can't help but wonder if there's some more I'm suppose to be doing.. I mean making sure people's bangs are an appropriate length is totally vital and detrimental to life as we know it, but there are other really important things like the fact that we rely totally on oil and we're basically out of it. I just watched 'Crude Awakening' last night. WAAAAAHHH, WAAAAAAAAHHH. God, I mean, give me another reason to HATE people. After watching it and listening to Jon and Nick talk about 'Animal, Vegetable, Miracle', I want to live on a big beautiful farm. And I want to read 'Animal, Vegetable, Miracle'. I know once I finish it I will move to the middle of nowhere and start planting things. I could farm. I mean as far as changing the world and helping the greater good, farming is something I could do. Curing cancer or something involving numbers, forget it. Plants? Why not? But then would I again long for what I didn't have? A city? Or would western civilization have then crumbled leaving cities as putrid collapsing ghettos? Would New York then be much different? Or would I want to move back to the west coast? By then they will all be out of water. Or maybe by then I'll want to open a restaurant. Or a strip club... people in various states of undress are always entertaining.

The point is I don't know.

And then I think, Jacob, no one really knows. The important thing is that we all look ultra sexy and all have really white teeth.. and lots of money.


Jonathan said...

I want to live on a farm, growing our own food and whitening our own teeth. When society collapses, the dental system will be one of the first things to go. Look at the british. Their teeth never came out of the dark ages.
Oh and I want to have lots of money like Barbara Kingsolver so we can have a big, beautiful wood-burning stove out back and a beautiful antique coop where our designer chickens live.

Turista Libre said...

Something to cheer you up when life's got you down: "Cats that look like Hitler."